What isl coneat?



CONEAT groups are not just basic cartographic units of soils. They constitute homogeneous areas, on a used scale, defined by their production capacity in terms of wool, ovine meat and beef (section 65 of Law Nr. 13695 from October 24th, 1968) for tax purposes.

Such capacity is expressed by an index that’s related to the country’s average production capacity under natural conditions. This would be rated 100 in the index scale.

From an edaphologic perspective, productivity is considered as the soil’s initial capacity of performance per hectare and per year, and that can theoretically be expressed as a percentage of the ideal performance obtained in the best soil, under the best conditions and using defined technology. In practice, diverse production companies have adapted soils to their specific objectives and succeeded, but this not always is accompanied by a good CONEAT index. Forestry, rice and viniculture exploitations are examples of this cases that use soils with low CONEAT indexes.

To get more information, or to find out the soil nomenclature in a particular piece of land or property, please go to:
Coneat MGAP



    • Description of CONEAT soil groups
    • Downloar / Open: PDF version

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